When We Began...

New Life started in 1990 in a storefront building in the center of Irmo.  In 1999, we moved to 10809 Broad River Rd. into our own facilities. In 2007, we added a second building called the “Connection Center”.  In 2008, Wal-Mart in Ballentine moved in directly behind our church. 

We are so excited that the surrounding community is growing rapidly all around us!  But that is a history of the buildings and organization, the real ministry is in hearts of people and families that have found new life in Jesus.

Below are a few images from the early days in the 1990s when we were in a store front and just starting to build.   We have changed a lot over the years, but our heart is still people finding hope in the Lord. 

A Few Videos From Our History...

2017 Montana Mission Trip
2017 Church Picnic
2016 Debt Free Celebration
New Life History by New Life Kids
2015 Montana Mission Trip
20 Year Celebration
10 Year Celebration