We exist to help people
Find Life, Build Life, and Share Life.
Welcome home!
Whether you're taking your first steps in your spiritual journey or seeking a welcoming place to worship, we're excited to meet you! The community at New Life is relational, caring, and ready to celebrate the love and grace of Jesus. We're more concerned with where you are going than where you've been.
Find Life: Ministries, Groups, & Events
Visit the many ways to get plugged in at New Life.
What To Expect On Your First Visit:
- A warm welcome!
- A Nursery for your small children
- A Kids Ministry for K-5th graders
- A Youth Ministry for 6-12th graders on Sunday Nights
- A relevant, Biblical sermon that applies to your life
- A group of People from all different walks of life
- A loving community focused on God's work in our hearts, not on appearances.